Monday, January 13, 2014

CFD Trading: Natural Gas

Natural gas
Natural gas is an energy source; it is used; amongst others for electricity and fuel.
Measured in
Natural gas is measured in cubic meters.

The price for natural gas is given by demand and supply.

The price is affected by the weather as the demand for natural gas is rising in the coldest months of the year; around December and February.

The price is also affected by the economy; in the short run; the demand for natural gas will rise when the economy blooms; in the short run the demand will fall when the economy is in a recession.

The price is also affected by competitions from other energy sources; if the price for natural gas is getting too high the consumer of natural gas may switch to other energy sources.

CFD Trading and natural gas  
On the CFD trading platforms is natural gas in the section commodities.

The price fall from 13,527 in June 2008 to 2,75 in August 2009; From 2009 to 2014 has the price been between 5,8 and 1,927; Monday the 13 2014 is the price 4,12.

The most common trading method; trading CFD; is probably the use of both indicators and fundamental analyses.