Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Forex Grid System: An Introduction

I found a video on YouTube about Grid trading; this area is difficult to understand and you might have to watch the video more than once.

The video illustrates the Grid trading system for the 100% retracement trading system and the 50% retracement trading system.


  1. ECN Forex Trading | Multiple Forex Platforms - True ECN Forex Broker environment. Trade an ECN Forex Account & Benefit from Low Interbank Spreads | Capital One Forex.

  2. This is a very useful video! It’s good that they discuss every detail that is included in the Grid System, which I think would be helpful for those who don’t quite understand the nature of Grid Trading. If you know Grid Trading, you must take advantage of using this great system. ->Neil Salser

  3. Forex Trading Accounts, it is necessary that you choose the account package that is most suited to your expectations and knowledge level. The various types of accounts offered by Capital One Forex are made with the thought that different traders have different needs. If you have a good understanding of leverage and trading in general, you can be satisfied with a standard account. If you’re a complete beginner, it is a must that you undergo a period of study and practice by the use of a mini account. In general, the lower your risk, the higher your chances, so make your choices in the most conservative way possible at the beginning of your career.
    For more detail:
